Thursday, August 6, 2009

Designer Survivor!

I'm so excited! I managed to get into Designer Survivor! For real, not playing the home version (at least until "Tribal Council" Friday night!) We had our first reward challenge, to make a beachy alpha in specific colors. My team didn't win the challenge, but I have a freebie. You can download my part HERE! The other links may still be active and you can find them in the Brownie Scraps gallery HERE for a limited time.

I have some other news too, I have been accepted into a store!! I still have to get my stuff renamed and uploaded, it's been a very busy week!

Stop by tomorrow to see our Suess themed kit.


  1. Wow Christina! Congrats girlie!! I'll definitely be checking your stuff out!!!!! :) So proud of you!

  2. Congrats to you, Christina! and good luck with Designer Survivor--- I will be seeing you on Week 2!! BTW, Scraps With A Mouse is looking for designers and the owner, Selena is very kind and laid back--no collabs or hassles, just designing! Hope you will go to the store and click on the Designer call!
    Circle Of Life Scraps
